Nice to Meet You!
Hi! I'm Barbie Halaby. I'm an editor and proofreader with 21 years of training and experience. I help authors improve their writing so their unique ideas have a chance to reach an audience saturated with books. You want to transmit your voice straight to readers without your great ideas and compelling stories being overshadowed by errors or offensive language, poor organization, stereotyped characters, and awkward dialogue. I give you the support, encouragement, and guidance you need to trust yourself and find your best words.

Your Best Words
Are you self-publishing or submitting a manuscript to traditional publishers or agents? Maybe you don’t know yet. Do you write fiction or memoir? No matter what type of book you are writing and how you plan to share it with your readers, it will benefit from some TLC by an editorial professional. These days, having a friend or family member read your book and catch some typos doesn’t cut it for those who want to be successful (or even who just want to be noticed) in publishing. Depending on where your manuscript is at in the process, I offer manuscript evaluations, developmental editing, line editing, copyediting, and proofreading. When you need a keen eye for your best words, I’m here to help.

The Next Step
Are you ready to take the next step with your manuscript? Do you have questions about how I can help improve your work? Get in touch and I'd be happy to answer your questions!